If you’ve been piling up the moisturisers, double dipping in the lotions department, and still not happy with the skin that is reflected back at you in the mirror, you may want to take advantage of a little gift coming to you from the way of Mother Nature. That’s right, it comes to us all free of charge, well that is unless you are on a meter, and it is water! While it does cover much of the Globe, the water that can work wonders for your skin from the inside out has to be the kind sans salt, and you can get the cheapest of all skin remedies flowing right out of your tap. So when you want to look absolutely stunning in your bikini swimwear come beach season, grab a glass and get drinking. Did you know that being dehydrated does much more than leaving you with a dry throat? In fact, not getting in at least eight cups a day of this liquid is going to affect you on every level and across all bodily functions. What’s more is that by the time you actually feel thirsty you’re already in a mild state of dehydration; so you need to be sipping regularly. Drinking water not only is going to restore an
effervescently glowing skin tone but it is also going to improve blood flow and circulation, boost your energy level, give you more strength in your workouts, and can actually help you lose weight. A common misinterpretation comes in thinking you are hungry when in fact you are thirsty; drinking water fills you up without a single calorie. But for your skin, without enough moisture on the inside, our bodies are comprised of 60% of this watery wonder liquid, how can you expect to avoid looking dry on the outside? Without enough water on a daily basis you are also going to be more likely to being bloated, this is only worsened by the kinds of salty and processed foods that run aplenty. If you want to look stunning in that next piece of swimwear you don’t want to be left looking bloated simply because you aren’t drinking enough water. Water can work its magic from the outside as well; sea salt and salt water can be used in natural scrubs to detoxify and also scrub away dead skin cells so that the new ones can shine through. So next time you are lathering on those creams and lotions make sure that you don’t overlook the free and natural skin care product flowing out of your sink!